Ferretti Altura 36 Fly, year 1990, boat in excellent condition, two cabins with two bathrooms, Caterpillar 2×330 Hp engine, heat exchangers overhauled 2022
The seller offers the details of the vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal notice: This brochure cannot be construed as a proposal having contractual validity for the sale of boats manufactured by the RAYACHT S.r.o. All the information given herein, including technical and performance data, the illustrations and the drawings, is merely indi cative and shall not be binding for contractual purposes. In particular, the different specification options described in this brochure shall be regarded as having merely indicative an d not binding value. Only the technical data and the descriptions of the boats spe cified and agreed upon explicitly in the preliminary and definiti ve contractual documents shall be binding. For contractual purposes, the only valid indications for the buyer are those set fo rth in the sales contract and the user manual for the boat purchased. This brochure is based on the information available at the ti me of its publication. Notwithstanding the care devoted to ensu re the highest possible degree of accuracy, the information here contained herein may fail to cover all the de tails and the changes that have been made in the meantime, or i tmay describe features that are no longer present, or it may fail to contemplate all possible additions and variations. This brochure and its content cannot be copied, reproduced, m odified, replaced or altered, whether fully or partially. This brochure is not binding for sale.